Tony Robbins UPW: How It Changed My Limiting Beliefs & Life

– – part 3/3 – –
Post Tony Robbins’ UPW seminar, things seemed pretty clear to me. I mean, talk about immersion; you were non-stop working on you, day after day, four days straight. Forget eating and sleeping. You didn’t really need that. The energy was all in you and you alone. I opened up to total strangers who became some amazing friends. Those amazing friends, in turn, opened up to me about some things they were going through. It didn’t matter where we were from, what the color of our skin was, or if English was our first language or not: at the core of it all, we were humans with emotions and our own set of goals (remember, there were 42 different countries represented in one arena!).
It showed me that, as a community of support, we rise; we are all here to help each other on this earth. We can all learn from each other. Overall, the seminar taught me that we all need to listen to our most inner desires, pivot our mentality to “can-do” and go after what we were seeking for a more positive, true and meaningful life.
Remember that deep exercise I shared in my previous post that we did, where Tony made you think about something that was a limiting belief and how it would affect you up to forty years from now? Well, to share with you candidly, my limiting belief was that I could never leave New York again and live elsewhere. I say “again” because the last time I lived elsewhere was when I studied abroad in college. I loved France so much and wanted to try that type of living arrangement again somewhere else. Alas, though, I kept holding myself back from doing it because I didn’t think it was possible. I was supposed to be a ‘responsible’ adult and not be ‘foolish’ with my actions. I was building a career. I had my family here. How could I leave them? To be selfish and just go would be too selfish.
It was something inside me that I held for so long that just caused me so much internal pain.
I love traveling; it makes me feel just so alive! And purposeful!! I was always escaping on the weekends traveling outside of New York just to get a taste of what I was looking for; but, the thing with tasting is that you may never get your full to eat if you don’t commit to that full dish. I won’t ever stop exploring on the weekends, ever, but my heart personally yearned for more. I wasn’t in nor out– I was in-between.
This hurt my heart for the longest, but this seminar showed me that I needed to do what was right for me. I didn’t want to be sixty years old living with regret. I loved my family, but if they loved me, too, then they would support what needed to be done to make me happy. I didn’t have logistics figured out. What would I do about work? What was going to happen? Would I live out of a car? Or out on the streets? I didn’t know the answers. But you know what, the seminar also showed me that that I’ve overcome a lot of stuff in my life previously and that I was smart enough to figure them all out again in the future. I didn’t know when this would all happen, but it had to happen sooner rather than later.
Yes, I had a limiting belief that I could never leave and go. It held me back for years. I was stuck in daydreams and ‘what ifs.’
In reading this, I am sure you know that we moved to New Zealand a few months ago now. Yeah, I still can’t believe it. How amazing is life, right? That announcement post can be found here if you missed it. Yes, life has definitely changed. I didn’t think this day would come, but it finally came. I can’t wait to share how we did it and what we’ve been learning!
In the meantime, I will leave you with two things:
Firstly: If you ever have the chance to attend a Tony Robbins UPW event, I highly recommend it. While it may cost a bit, try to save as much as you can for it and when you finally have enough DO IT. If there is any kind of investment that I am 100% behind, it is that of your own personal development and growth. While I initially freaked out over the cost, I realized that I was spending well over that on things that weren’t really challenging me on a deeper level: clothes, shoes, makeup, super fancy dinners, etc. I’m not saying that these things are bad (because who doesn’t want a pair of brand new shoes?! ;)), but what I am saying is to take a step back and reflect on if saving for something that will help you improve from the inside is worth it. Personally, anything that helps me improve myself from the inside is always totally worth it.
Listen, to each their own, I’m not telling you what to do with your money, but as a very honest person, I can tell you that I attended this event and that if I needed to pay double for it I would have happily done so. The immediate changes that I saw within myself from day one and the changes others saw in me, too, were incredible. (I think my coworker Christina, who I shared an office with, could vouch 100% to this when I went back to work on Monday– haha). So many companies like Amazon, Coach, etc. send their employees here. It teaches you about teamwork. It teaches you respect. It teaches you that you can do anything, yes ANYTHING in life. If you want it and you are willing to work hard for it you can achieve it.
The story for my wonderful husband ended well, too, as I believed in this seminar so much that I not only bought him a plane ticket from New York to West Palm Beach, but also bought his own UPW ticket for the event in Florida a few months later. He absolutely loved it, too. In the end, we both got to go and, in the end, we cannot wait for the day we can go again!
If you are feeling stuck, if you feel that there is more to life somewhere and that there are some things inside of you that need deep attention for you to move forward, attend this event and give yourself the total immersion in you. You will get something out of it– Tony actually makes sure of it (really, he asked the audience of 40,000 if there was anyone in the room that didn’t have a revelation of sorts and asked you to raise your hand. Note: he will call on you if you haven’t to fix that).
The next UPW is in the USA in July. If you live in Chicago, you are in luck! He will be THERE! And if you’re not in Chicago find a way and GO. If I could, I would send everyone and their mother to this event. It’s that good. Here’s a calendar for next cities for the year!!
UPDATE: GREAT NEWS!! Reached out to Jeremy from Tony’s Team (who helped me get my husband’s tickets) to see if there was a special promo on offer for tickets AND THERE IS!! Click *here* to email him to get more info on discounts. Let him know Loren from Enlightened by Bravery sent you and mention JEREMY-FL2017! YAY!!
Secondly, and lastly, I will openly leave you with two quick diary entries I wrote as I went through it: right before the event and right after. All real. Nothing fake.
Day 1:
8:40am: I am so emotional. I guess it’s because I am hoping that something today (or this weekend) just clicks. I really want something to click, an inspiration to strike, so that I may so very well take that burning flame inside of me to do more and light up a new torch, one that will take me down the halls of a new path that I, myself, never once step foot down.
Day 4:
I am filled with such an overflow of love and excitement for the future. There have been so many truths exposed to myself that I always believed weren’t there, and in the course of a weekend, I can honestly say that I have, truly, been enlightened by Bravery. I have been awakened by Bravery. I have been awakened by the truth. Lots of great speakers and such a privilege to hear everything about health, to walk out of here with a plan, and be able to implement immediately. I am so humbled and have learned that in giving, it is how we receive.
Bonus: “Life is about Moments; Don’t wait for them, Create them.” -Tony Robbins
Thank you for reading this series. I would very much love to hear your comments and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! As always, may love and light guide you <3.
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